We’ve come full circle with our Scratch classes and once again it’s time to start our classes again. Yes, it’s a brand new course and we’re welcome a brand new cohort, in fact the waiting list has been full for a while! We’ll be doing the Rock Band class, which is a great intro to Scratch and a great intro to coding. It’s always a packed class when we start, so make sure you come early. Class is at 5:00pm, but if you haven’t been registered yet, please come early.
Our Java class is continuing at 4:00pm We have a few more lessons for our eager students and their Tic Tac Toe is starting to take shape. We’ll also have Lego Mindstorms, 3D printers, VR, Robotics and lots of other things to come and explore. So come and join us.
Just a heads-up that once the Java class is over we’ll be looking to run a class on HTML and CSS. If you’re interested in joining us, drop me a line at owen@codeclub.im